R18-2021-e Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Accelerating tools to drive tuberculosis (TB) detection for proposed projects with FIND, the Global Alliance for Diagnostics, and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK

R17-2021-e Increase to the budget for the COVID-19 Emergency Oxygen Response with funding authorizations for CHAI and the WHO Health Emergencies Programme

R16-2021-e Funding authorization for the ‘Africa, Asia, Americas COVID-19 Preparedness’ (3ACP) project

R15-2021-e Funding authorization for the ‘Catalyzing COVID-19 ACTION’ project

R14-2021-e Funding authorization for the ‘Enhancing access to COVID-19 test, isolate, care and treat interventions within healthcare systems in LMICs’ project

R13-2021-e Funding authorization for the IMPAACT4C19 project

R12-2021-e The SP-IPTi+ Project

R11-2021-e Postpartum Hemorrhage Proposals