R17-2019-e Better Access to Treatment for Pediatric MDR-TB (BENEFIT Kids) Project

R15-2019-e Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement package on Better tools for the diagnosis and treatment of Plasmodium vivax malaria for proposed project with MMV

R14-2019-e Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Accelerating impact of long-acting technologies in low- and middle­ income countries for proposed projects with MedinCell, University of Liverpool, and University of Washington

R12-2019-e “Adherence Support Coalition to End TB” Project

R11-2019-e “Tools for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness -TIMCI” Project

R10-2019-e “OPTimisation de L’Identification des Fievres A Risque chez l’Enfant – OPTIFARE” Project

R9-2019-e Terms of Reference for Board Vice-Chair

R8-2019-e “Rapid, comprehensive targeted gene sequencing solution for drug-resistant TB diagnosis in LMICs” Project