R13-2018-e Go ahead for the development of an agreement with EJAF to co-finance a Demand Creation Campaign and Challenge Fund for HIVST
R12-2018-e Catalytic Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) Initiative
R10-2018-e Use of TRIPS flexibilities to increase affordability of treatment for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis C virus in middle-income countries
R11-2018-e Expanding the use of TRIPS flexibilities to promote affordable access to medicines
R6-2018-e Go-ahead for the development of a grant agreement package for the extension and expansion of the Expand New Drug Markets for TB Project
R8-2018-e Appointment of Interim Board Chair
R9-2018-e Calendar of Board and Committee meetings 2019
R5-2018-e ATLAS – Autotest, libre d’accéder à la connaissance de son statut VIH