R13-2024-e Amendment to WHO Enabler Grant
R12-2024-e Amended Calendar of Board and Committee meetings for 2024
R11-2024-e Acceptance of a Specified Contribution from the European Commission and expansion of investments in new tools to reduce maternal mortality
R10-2024-e “East Africa Program on Oxygen Access (EAPOA)”
R9-2024-e Cost Extension for the Project “Global long-acting drug combination development” (GLAD)
R8-2024-e Cost Extension for the Project “Long-acting pipeline to establish medicines for malaria, tuberculosis and hepatitis C virus with infrastructure for sustainable translational capacity (LONGEVITY)”
R7-2024-e Cost Extension for the Project “Long-acting injectable formulation of ivermectin as a new vector control tool to reduce malaria transmission” (IMPACT)
R6-2024-e Go-ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on Mitigating Antimalarial Drug Resistance for proposed project with Jhpiego Corporation