R7-2018-e Health for all: Increasing access to HIV, TB and Hepatitis C treatment through effective use of TRIPS flexibilities

R4-2018-e Accelerating Demand for HIV Self-Testing (HIVST) Among Young People

R3-2018-e Go ahead for the development of grant agreement package with the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (lVCC) under the Area for Intervention “Accelerating the adoption of innovative vector control tools”

R2-2018-e Calendar of Board and Committee meetings 2018

R1-2018-e Go ahead for the development of grant agreement packages on new tools for vector control for proposed projects with Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), University of Notre Dame and Wageningen University

R23-2017-e Costed Extension of the HIV /HCV Drug Affordability project

R21-2017-e Integrating PrEP into Comprehensive Services for Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Africa

R22-2017-e Go ahead for the development of the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (lTPC), South Centre (SC) and Third World Network (TWN) grant packages under the Area for Intervention “Supporting the use of TRIPS flexibilities”