R12-2017-e No cost extension of the Project “Market entry of an improved solid protease inhibitor-based first line antiretroviral combination therapy for infants and young children with HIV/AIDS” by DNDi
R13-2017-e Amended Calendar of Board and Committee meetings dates for the fourth quarter of 2017
R7-2017-e Preparedness for the rollout of effective HIV prevention among Key affected Populations in Brazil, Peru and Mexico
R6-2017-e Costed extension of Unitaid project support to WHO Prequalification of Medicines and Diagnostics
R10-2017-e Go ahead for the development of Solthis and MTV Staying Alive Foundation (SAF) proposals on HIV self-testing
R9-2017-e Amendment to Workstream 2 (PrEP and HIV Self-Testing) of the WHO HTM Enabler HIV/HCV sub-grant
R8-2017-e Self-Testing AfRica (STAR) Initiative
R5-2017-e Malaria Vaccine Pilot Implementation Programme