R14-2016-e DolPHIN2: Dolutegravir in Pregnant HIV mothers and Neonates
R10-2016-e P3: Private Sector Provision of PrEP
R13-2016-e Accelerating access and integration of innovative point-of-care HIV technologies in national diagnostic programs – Phase 2b
R12-2016-e E-market place for the procurement of public health commodities (wambo.org)
R11-2016-e Go-ahead for the development of project proposal
R9-2016-e Enabling Scale-up of PrEP and Linkage to Testing among sexually active older adolescents with substantial HIV risk
R7-2016-e WHO HTM Enabler sub-grant HIV/HCV
R6-2016-e Accelerating Patient Access to Optimal Antiretrovirals