R10-2-22-e Cost Extension for the Project “Health for all: Increasing access to HIV, TB and Hepatitis C treatment through effective use of TRIPS flexibilities”

R9-2022-e Cost Extension for the Project “Expanding the use of TRIPS flexibilities to promote affordable access to medicines”

R8-2022-e Cost Extension for the Project “Use of TRIPS flexibilities to increase affordability of treatment for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis C virus in middle-income countries”

R7-2022-e Additional contribution from Germany

R6-2022-e Unitaid support to PAHO for enabling activities relating to the project CUIDA Chagas

R5-2022-e Cost Extension for the Project: ‘Increasing Market and Public Health Outcomes through Scaling Up Affordable Access Models of Short Course Preventive Therapy for TB’ (IMPAACT4TB)

R4-2022-e Additional contribution from Japan

R3-2022-e Further investments to enhance access to COVID-19 therapeutics and ancillary products in low- and middle-income countries