EB7/R7 – Development process for the submission and appraisal of proposals and concept notes

EB7/R6 – Project support for quality assurance of medicines, 2008-2012

EB7/R5 – Project Acceleration of nutritional care of pregnant and lactating women and children linked to PMTCT: address nutritional problems that impact negatively on PMTCT outcomes, 2008-2010

EB7/R4 – Project expanding and accelerating access to diagnostics for patients at risk of multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

EB7/R3 – Project multi-drug resistant (MDR)-TB scale-up and acceleration of access: 2008-2011

EB7/R2 – Development of a strategic plan 2009-2011

EB7/R1 – Tuberculosis strategic orientation

EB6/R12 – Framework for a communication strategy