En période de COVID-19, l’innovation en santé est essentielle pour éliminer la tuberculose

In times of COVID-19, innovation has a crucial role to play to eliminate tuberculosis

Unitaid soutient la demande de dérogation aux règles de propriété intellectuelle pour l’accès aux produits de santé contre la COVID-19

Geneva – Unitaid calls on countries to take the necessary measures to facilitate and promote access to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics that will help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. This should include ensuring that they have the legal and health systems in place that enable fast production, importation, registration and deployment of effective products, once these become available.

In this context, Unitaid welcomes the proposal submitted by India and South Africa to the TRIPS Council for a temporary waiver on copyrights, industrial designs, patents, lay-out designs of integrated circuits and trade secrets/undisclosed information for products to prevent, contain or treat COVID-19.

Every solution that helps remove potential access barriers is welcome according to Marisol Touraine, Chair of the Unitaid Executive Board and former French Minister of Health, and will help countries to face the pandemic with new tools.

Marisol Touraine stressed that, “the waiver will not solve all challenges, but it is an important step. While countries and companies also need to do their part, this sends a clear message that we are facing an urgent and exceptional situation, that requires exceptional measures.”

Unitaid believes that a range of solutions will be needed in order to ensure that people across the globe have access to the products needed to combat COVID-19. “Just as we will need a range of products – such as protective equipment, tests, medicines and vaccines – to tackle COVID-19, we will need multiple approaches to ensuring access”, said  Dr Philippe Duneton, Unitaid Executive Director a.i., “Information sharing, voluntary licensing, technology transfer, flexibilities and waivers can all contribute to expanding access.”

For information on Unitaid’s response to COVID-19 please see https://unitaid.org/covid-19/#en

Media contact: Martin HARVEY | +41 79 249 35 29 | harveym@unitaid.who.int

Other enquiries click here

Actualités Unitaid – Octobre 2020

FR_Le Colibri, Octobre 2020

La France octroie 11 millions $ complémentaires pour soutenir les travaux d’Unitaid en matière de traitements contre la COVID-19

Geneva – Unitaid is pleased to announce that France has contributed €10 million (US$11 million) to Unitaid’s work in the Therapeutics Partnership of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A). This is in addition to the core funding that France provides to Unitaid.

The Therapeutics Partnership is co-convened by Unitaid alongside Wellcome. The two organisations are charged with leading global efforts to develop, manufacture and distribute treatments for all stages of the disease; to prevent, suppress, treat and support recovery from COVID-19.

“On behalf of Unitaid and our partners at Wellcome, I am really grateful to France for this extra support for our work to deliver medicines and therapies against COVID-19,” said Dr Philippe Duneton, Unitaid Executive Director, a.i. “We hope France will show the way to other donors to support the urgent and important work we need to do for therapeutics against this epidemic”.

The Therapeutics Partnership’s aim is to discover treatments fast; produce at scale and enable access; and deliver to all. Effectives therapies are needed to treat people affected by COVID-19, even if vaccines become available. The earlier people get access to therapeutics, the greater the impact for health, for health system burdens, and for our economies.

The Partnership is actively looking at some 1,700 trials and has already identified several promising candidates, including antivirals and monoclonal antibodies. Manufacturing capacity and procurement arrangements are being put into place, with active preparation for supply and deliver. These treatments will be on the market in the coming months and should be available in all parts of the world. The ACT-A Therapeutics Partnership need resources to ensure equitable access to these medicines in LMICs.

Unitaid and Wellcome, together with all the ACT-A partners, call on leaders around the world to respond decisively to this public health and economic challenge. Effective medicines and therapies are a key part of the response, especially for those for whom vaccines are not suitable or because they are simply not available for any reason.

No-one is safe until everyone is safe. Where you live, shouldn’t determine whether you live.

The time has come to ACT. ACT Now. ACT Together. ACT to end COVID-19.

For information on Unitaid’s response to COVID-19 please see https://unitaid.org/covid-19/#en

Media contact: Martin HARVEY | +41 79 249 35 29 | harveym@unitaid.who.int

Other enquiries click here

Partenariat mondial pour fournir aux pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire 120 millions de tests rapides abordables et de qualité pour la COVID-19

News release, WHO,  28 September 2020

  • A full access package includes WHO policy guidance on the use of antigen-based rapid diagnostic tests, manufacturer volume guarantees for low and middle-income countries,  catalytic funding to assist governments to deploy the tests and an initial US$50 million procurement fund
  • Several rapid, point-of-care antigen tests are being assessed by WHO for Emergency Use Listing (EUL)
  • Agreements between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and test manufacturers Abbott and SD Biosensor make available innovative tests priced at a maximum of US$5 for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
  • The Global Fund commits an initial US$50 million to enable countries to purchase the new tests, with the first orders expected to be placed this week
  • Expedited market introduction of these tests in multiple LMICs is being supported through the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), Unitaid, FIND, CHAI, and their partners
  • This is the latest move from the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator to develop, procure and distribute critical new tools to fight the pandemic; new tests are urgently needed to meet the huge unmet needs for testing worldwide

A set of agreements to make available, for low and middle-income countries, affordable, high-quality COVID-19 antigen rapid tests were today announced by the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. Organizations involved in the milestone agreement include the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), the Global Fund, Unitaid, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

As part of this comprehensive, end-to-end effort, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has executed separate volume guarantee agreements with rapid diagnostic test (RDT) producers Abbott and SD Biosensor. These two arrangements will make available to LMICs 120 million antigen rapid diagnostic tests (Ag RDTs) – priced at a maximum of US$5 per unit – over a period of six months. These tests provide results in 15–30 minutes, rather than hours or days, and will enable expansion of testing, particularly in countries that do not have extensive laboratory facilities or trained health workers to implement molecular (polymerase-chain reaction or PCR) tests.

The tests developed by Abbott and SD Biosensor are highly portable, reliable, and easy to administer, making testing possible in near-person, decentralized healthcare settings. Both companies’ tests are faster and cheaper than laboratory-based tests, enabling countries to increase the pace of testing, tracing and treating people for COVID-19 at the point of care particularly in areas with under-resourced health systems. A number of other Ag RDTs are at various stages of development and assessment.

To scale up the Ag RDTs, the Global Fund today announced that it has made available an initial US$50 million from its COVID-19 Response Mechanism to enable countries to purchase at least 10 million of the new rapid tests for LMICs at the guaranteed price, with the first orders expected to be placed this week through the Global Fund’s pooled procurement mechanism.

FIND and WHO are working together to accelerate appropriate use by supporting implementation research that will optimize Ag RDT use in multiple LMICs, in line with WHO guidance. This includes provision of catalytic volumes of tests to understand how Ag RDTs can best fit into health systems.

Unitaid and Africa CDC will combine resources to initiate the roll out of these tests in up to 20 countries in Africa starting in October 2020. This multi-million-dollar intervention, currently undergoing final sign-off by their Boards, is designed to engage multiple partners active in the COVID-19 response in these countries, such as CHAI, African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) and local organizations. This will bolster efforts by the African Union’s Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT) initiative, launched in August 2020 to mobilize experts, community workers, supplies and other resources to minimize the impact of the pandemic on the African continent by testing, tracing, and treating COVID-19 cases in a timely manner.

Testing is a critical cornerstone of the COVID-19 response, enabling countries to trace and contain the virus now, and to prepare for the roll-out of vaccines once available. Effective testing strategies rely on a portfolio of test types that can be used in different settings and situations. While molecular tests started to be rolled out within a month of the virus being sequenced, these tests are mainly laboratory based, relying on infrastructure and trained personnel to conduct them. Rapid tests to detect the presence of the virus at the point of care, which are faster and cheaper, are a vital addition to the testing arsenal needed to contain and fight COVID-19.

WHO guidance published on 11 September 2020 highlights the value of these tests in areas where community transmission is widespread and where nucleic acid amplification-based diagnostic (NAAT) testing is either unavailable or where test results are significantly delayed.  As well as supporting test-trace-isolate strategies, the tests can help identify or confirm new outbreaks, support outbreak investigations through screening; monitor disease trends; and potentially test asymptomatic contacts.

The ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar is co-convened by FIND and the Global Fund, working closely with WHO and over 30 global health expert partners to accelerate innovation and overcome the technical, financial, and political obstacles to achieving equitable access to effective and timely testing. Such unprecedented global collaboration has enabled development and deployment of the first WHO EUL-approved Ag RDT within eight months of the first identification of the virus. In comparison, it took nearly five years to develop the first RDT for HIV. Several more antigen RDTs for COVID-19 are currently under WHO EUL review. Overall, the ACT-Accelerator Diagnostic Pillar aims to facilitate the supply of 500 million tests to LMICs within 12 months.

These agreements are critical to fulfil the key objective of the ACT-Accelerator: to ensure all countries, regardless of income, have fair access to new tests and tools to fight COVID-19. The exceptional speed with which the Ag RDT access package has been created demonstrates the breadth of the impact of the ACT-Accelerator initiative, and this and future achievements in testing will complement similar milestones anticipated to emerge from the Vaccines and Therapeutics Pillars.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO, said: “High-quality rapid tests show us where the virus is hiding, which is key to quickly tracing and isolating contacts and breaking the chains of transmission. The tests are a critical tool for governments as they look to reopen economies and ultimately save both lives and livelihoods.”

Mark Suzman, Chief Executive Officer of the Gates Foundation, said: “Testing is an essential tool in the fight against COVID-19. We are delighted to join a partnership that will help ensure that the latest, high-quality diagnostics do not just go to the highest bidder but will be available at an affordable price to the world’s lower income countries. In addition, all of the actions announced today point to the growing success of the ACT-Accelerator in catalyzing global cooperation for a fair and effective response to this global crisis.”

Dr Iain Barton, Chief Executive Officer of CHAI, said: “These agreements will help ensure that millions of people in low- and middle-income countries have access to high-quality rapid testing in villages and towns as well as cities. This has the potential to revolutionize government’s ability to respond to the pandemic, enabling quick diagnosis and response to contain localized virus outbreaks before they spread.”

Andrea F. Wainer, Executive Vice President of Abbott’s rapid and molecular diagnostics businesses, said: “Abbott is pleased to bring our Panbio COVID-19 rapid antigen test and Sympheos digital solution to people and health authorities in low- and middle-income countries through this innovative partnership. We have long been committed to making sure our life-changing technologies are affordable and accessible, and for decades have been supporting many of these countries with our rapid tests for malaria, HIV, hepatitis, and other deadly infectious diseases.”

Hyo-Keun Lee, Chief Executive Officer of SD Biosensor, said: “We, SD Biosensor, are pleased to supply our STANDARD Q COVID-19 rapid antigen tests for people who really need fast and accurate COVID-19 diagnosis. Through this partnership, we will keep striving do our best to provide the best quality of COVID-19 antigen rapid kits for fighting COVID-19.”

Dr John Nkengasong, Director of the Africa CDC, said: “Antigen tests are an important complement to PCR testing, and are crucial to expand testing capacity throughout Africa. The beauty of antigen testing is that it is fast and gives quick results. It will allow healthcare workers to quickly isolate cases and treat them while tracing their contacts to cut the transmission chain.”

Dr Philippe Duneton, Unitaid’s Executive Director a.i., said: “Access to these point-of-care rapid tests with be a game changer in the fight against COVID-19. We are working to support countries to rapidly deploy and use these new tests in the best possible way. Today’s news shows what the ACT-A partners working together can deliver in our efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Dr Carolyn Gomes, Special Advisor for the Board, ProActividad, Jamaica, and Alternate Board Member (Developing Country NGOs), The Global Fund “Ensuring equitable access to rapid diagnostic tests is essential for controlling COVID-19 in all countries and to opening up economies across the world. Ensuring an affordable price is a major step forward.  Tests that can be used at the point of care by front-line workers will greatly facilitate community access to testing. To ensure equity in access for those who need it most, there will need to be much greater support of the ACT-Accelerator and the Diagnostics Pillar in particular. Much more money is needed to meet the needs of the most vulnerable.”

Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund, said: “This is the ACT-Accelerator in action. It is proof that by working together at a massive global scale, we can develop and deploy a vital new tool to help contain and fight the pandemic. This is not just a new test – it’s the money and the deployment plan to get it to where it’s needed, fast. This is the power of global collaboration.”

Dr Catharina Boehme, Chief Executive Officer of FIND, said: “With this Ag RDT package, the ACT-Accelerator partners have secured much-needed tools for LMICs to dramatically increase COVID-19 testing. With the financial support of several countries, we have made great progress, but to ensure we reach all those who need testing and bring the prices down, we urgently need substantial funding from public, philanthropic, and multilateral sources.”


About the ACT-Accelerator

The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, is a new, ground-breaking global collaboration to accelerate the development production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines. It was set up in response to a call from G20 leaders in March 2020 and launched by WHO, the European Commission, France and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in April 2020. The ACT-Accelerator is not a decision-making body or a new organization, but works to speed up collaborative efforts among existing organizations to end the pandemic. It is a framework for collaboration that has been designed to bring key players around the table with the goal of ending the pandemic as quickly as possible through the accelerated development, equitable allocation, and scaled up delivery of tests, treatments and vaccines, thereby protecting health systems and restoring societies and economies in the near term. It draws on the experience of leading global health organizations which are tackling the world’s toughest health challenges, and who, by working together, are able to unlock new and more ambitious results against COVID-19. Its members share a commitment to ensure all people have access to all the tools needed to defeat COVID-19 and to work with unprecedented levels of partnership to achieve it. The ACT-Accelerator has four areas of work: diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccines and the health system connector. Cross-cutting all of these is the workstream on Access & Allocation.

The Diagnostics Pillar of the ACT-Accelerator is focused on ensuring that everyone who needs a test can get one. Workstreams span research and development, market readiness, procurement, and country preparedness. Achievements to date include laboratory trainings in partnership with Africa CDC in early February, and a suite of online courses deployed within weeks. Nearly 20 million tests have been procured with the Diagnostics Consortium, ensuring diagnostic access for LMICs and readiness for test-and-treat implementation in these countries. Independent evaluations of antibody tests are also being conducted, as high-quality antibody tests are essential to understand population immunity for future vaccine roll out.

For information about WHO’s Emergency Use Listing



Un dispositif vital d’oxygénothérapie infantile reçoit un financement d’Unitaid

Geneva – Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, pneumonia killed nearly one million children under five every year. Oxygen access is a vital component in the fight to improve global health – and the challenges around provision in low-income countries have never been greater.

The problem is complex: oxygen therapies are usually expensive, designed to be implemented in high-resource healthcare settings on the premise of a readily available electricity supply. There are challenges at every stage of the process for low-income countries.

But there are also innovative solutions in the pipeline. Since 2006, Unitaid has been at the forefront of transforming ideas into high-impact improvements in global health for people in resource-limited settings.

Now thanks to a $1.4 million investment from Unitaid’s new funding mechanism, UnitaidExplore, Vayu Global Health Innovations – a Boston-based ‘bench top to bedside’ entity – will take forward development of its bCPAP and oxygen blender devices.

Image : Vayu Global Health Innovations

Image : Vayu Global Health Innovations

The potentially game-changing devices enable babies to access oxygen therapy without the need for an electricity supply or a compressed air tank.

Bubble CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a non-invasive way of ventilating newborns who are struggling to breathe. The oxygen blender prevents the eye, lung and brain damage associated with giving young children a pure oxygen supply.

This has implications for treating young children with pneumonia, COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases in settings with resource constraints – and crucially, increasing survival rates from these life-threatening illnesses.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the devices also have the potential to ease pressure on the limited number of ventilators in low-income countries – particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa – by preventing the diversion of adult ventilators away from COVID patients.

This funding builds on work already undertaken by Unitaid in 2019, which saw $43 million invested to kick start the scale-up of pulse oximetry in primary care centres across nine low and middle-income countries. Pulse oximeters are a vital diagnostic tool in helping identify children in need of referral for lifesaving care, including oxygen therapy.

Unitaid Director of Strategy, Janet Ginnard says: “We see huge potential with Vayu and think these technologies can be game-changers for oxygen provision to babies. Access to oxygen is critical and we are excited to partner with Vayu in this exciting new initiative, advancing tools to save lives.”

Dr Thomas Burke from Vayu Global Health Innovations says: “Given its disruptive nature, the Vayu bCPAP device can make high-quality, non-invasive ventilation support affordable and accessible for every newborn and infant on earth that needs it. This funding from Unitaid will support completion of engineering, manufacturing and FDA approval tasks, and enable a feasibility study at the national hospitals of Kenya and Tanzania.”

Media contact:

Charlotte Baker | +44 7904 460 181 | bakerc@unitaid.who.int

Actualités Unitaid – été 2020

Unitaid News, Summer 2020: The quest for COVID-19 treatments

FIND et Unitaid lancent un appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour accélérer la disponibilité et la fabrication à grande échelle des tests de diagnostic rapide de la COVID-19

  • Call aims to fill major diagnostic gaps in the detection of active SARS-CoV-2 infection for patient management and contact tracing purposes in decentralized settings, most critically needed in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
  • Innovators, developers and manufacturers of rapid diagnostic tests and in vitro diagnostics, and LMIC-based diagnostic stakeholders, are invited to submit proposals
  • Launch of this EOI is the latest milestone for the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar, co-convened by FIND and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Geneva – The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) and Unitaid announced today that the organizations have launched a call for expressions of interest (EOI) to accelerate the availability and manufacturing scale-up of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens (Ag RDTs). Reliable, affordable Ag RDTs have been identified as key tools in the global response to COVID-19, as they could enable robust detection of active SARS-CoV-2 infection for both patient management and contact tracing purposes in decentralized settings. This EOI has been prepared in the context of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar, co-convened by FIND and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

High-quality, accurate testing data offers reliable information that can save lives and enable economies to re-open safely: by isolating those who are infected, we can break the chain of transmission. While vaccine research is moving fast, promising treatments are also beginning to emerge and testing will be essential to determine who should be treated with which therapy. With today’s laboratory-based molecular tests, testing capacity is currently highly centralized, and often insufficient to meet the current demand. While countries in all regions have experienced testing challenges, the needs are more acute in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where fragile health systems and exclusive reliance on global supply chains have often left LMICs unable to access much-needed tests. Decentralizing testing – so it can be made available in primary care, in community settings, and potentially even at home – will be critical to support the introduction of treatments, and later the roll out of vaccines.

As set out in the ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar investment case, an estimated 500 million COVID-19 diagnostic tests will be needed in LMICs over the next 12 months, 75% of which in decentralized settings (i.e. primary healthcare, community-level care, hospital triage). There is emerging consensus about the important role that SARS-CoV-2 Ag RDTs will play, as the primary diagnostic for active infection detection in decentralized settings where timely molecular testing is not available.

The EOI has been launched to support the work plans of two working groups within the ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar: “R&D of tests & digital tools” (led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Praesens Foundation) and “Market readiness” (led by Unitaid and FIND). Proposals are invited from innovators, RDT developers, in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers and LMIC-based diagnostic stakeholders, in two key areas:

  • Accelerating development and market entry of improved, quality-assured SARS-CoV-2 Ag RDTs for expanded use in LMICs
  • Rapidly creating the supply conditions (manufacturing capacity, diversity of supplier base, affordability) to meet the needs of LMICs

An initial budget envelope of up to US$40 million of grant funding, to be made available by FIND and Unitaid and supplemented by loan funding from development banks, could support at least 2–4 proposals that offer best value for money. As additional funding becomes available, further proposals will be considered. Funding negotiations will be conducted independently for each proposal, and will be tailored to the applicant’s needs and the specifics of each business case. Funding could take many forms, such as R&D grant funding, loans for infrastructure scale up, licensure agreements, and/or longer-term volume commitments.

This EOI is the latest milestone in progress made by the ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar, which in the last 8 weeks has included the set-up of a multi-country evaluation platform to “test the tests” (results now published for evaluations of both molecular tests and immunoassays), completion of a modelling analysis to quantify the impact of COVID-19 testing to inform country policy and strategy, and procurement of over 5 million diagnostic tests through the World Health Organization (WHO) Supply Consortium.

Catharina Boehme, CEO of FIND, said: “Testing is already enabling countries to implement test-trace-isolate strategies, which have had a dramatic effect on containing the pandemic in countries including New Zealand, South Korea and Germany. But low- and middle-income countries are being left behind. Simple, affordable, high-quality antigen RDTs will enable COVID-19 diagnosis without the need for complex laboratory facilities – which will be vital to treating quickly and appropriately.”

Philippe Duneton, Unitaid Executive Director a.i., said: “We need 500 million COVID-19 tests for low and middle-income countries in the next 12 months. To reach that target we need cheaper and easier to use tests such as antigen RDTs. Accelerating their development and manufacturing scale-up is key to enable access to testing worldwide.”

Peter Sands, Executive Director of The Global Fund, said: “Mobilizing new partners is a critical step toward scaling up test, trace and isolate strategies to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to roll out treatments and vaccines once available. We urgently need fast, easy-to-use tests that can be used not by professional medical staff like doctors and nurses, but also by the community health workers who are on the frontlines of fighting COVID-19 in the most vulnerable communities around the world.”

Full details on the EOI and information on how to apply can be found here: www.finddx.org/eoi-covid19-ag-rdt

Download online workshops co-hosted by FIND and Unitaid:

About the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator

The Access to COVID-19 Tools ACT-Accelerator, is a new, ground-breaking global collaboration to accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines. It was set up in response to a call from G20 leaders in March and launched by the WHO, European Commission, France and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in April 2020. The ACT-Accelerator is not a decision-making body or a new organization, but works to speed up collaborative efforts among existing organizations to end the pandemic. It is a framework for collaboration that has been designed to bring key players around the table with the goal of ending the pandemic as quickly as possible through the accelerated development, equitable allocation, and scaled up delivery of tests, treatments and vaccines, thereby protecting health systems and restoring societies and economies in the near term. It draws on the experience of leading global health organizations which are tackling the world’s toughest health challenges, and who, by working together, are able to unlock new and more ambitious results against COVID-19. Its members share a commitment to ensure all people have access to all the tools needed to defeat COVID-19 and to work with unprecedented levels of partnership to achieve it. The ACT-Accelerator has four areas of work: diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccines and the health system connector. Cross-cutting all of these is the workstream on Access & Allocation..

About FIND

FIND is a global non-profit organization that drives innovation in the development and delivery of diagnostics to combat major diseases affecting the world’s poorest populations. Our work bridges R&D to access, overcoming scientific barriers to technology development; generating evidence for regulators and policy-makers; addressing market failures; and enabling accelerated uptake and access to diagnostics in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Since 2003, we have been instrumental in the development of 24 new diagnostic tools used in 150 LMICs. Over 50 million FIND-supported products have been provided to our target markets since the start of 2015. A WHO Collaborating Centre, we work with more than 200 academic, industry, governmental, and civil society partners worldwide, on over 70 active projects that cross six priority disease areas. FIND is committed to a future in which diagnostics underpin treatment decisions and provide the foundation for disease surveillance, control and prevention. For more information, please visit www.finddx.org

Media contacts 

For information on Unitaid’s response to COVID-19 please see https://unitaid.org/covid-19/#en

Other enquiries click here