Our strategy

We expand the reach of the best health products for those who need them most.

We design and invest in innovative approaches to make quality health products available and affordable in low- and middle-income countries. We inspire and promote collective efforts with partners, countries, and communities, unlocking access to the tools, services and care that can deliver the best results, improve health and address global health priorities.

A global crisis:
Getting back on track

Over the past several years, progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 – to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages – has gone severely off track. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, progress was plateauing. The pandemic made it much worse: in 2020, for the first time since the fight against HIV, TB, and malaria began in earnest, key indicators were worse than they were the year before. The COVID-19 pandemic also starkly exposed both the dramatic inequality in access to care between high- and low-income countries, and between rich and poor people. Women’s and children’s health continues to be underfunded, and maternal and child mortality remains unacceptably high. Moreover, the effects of climate change are intensifying, threatening the health and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

The need for equitable access to affordable and effective health products – faster – has never been greater.
Our strategic objectives
  • Boost the development of fit-for-purpose health products
  • Use market shaping approaches to enable suitable, affordable, quality supply
  • Support product adoption and scale up in countries as part of simple, effective and evidence-based models of care
  • Establish an enabling environment for access, including intellectual property and regulation
  • Support innovative supply models and approaches, including local manufacturing and technology transfer
  • Disseminate knowledge and evidence on access
  • Maximize the engagement of affected communities and responsiveness to their needs
  • Maximize alignment and synergies with governments, in-country stakeholders, affected communities and civil society organizations
  • Further develop global alliances for product scale up
Our unique role
We sit at the intersection of industry, communities, civil society, and the practicalities of global health challenges. Our long-term vision turns the possible into reality by acting in three ways.


Enabling impact by partnering with a wide range of stakeholders, leveraging our unique position

Credibility & insight through WHO hosting
Legitimacy of representative governance
Broad network of partners
Capacity to secure partners’ support
Increased recognition through ACT-A


Analysing complex access problems and designing a pathway to resolve them

Capacity to scope and prioritize investments
Ability to design grants and interventions to solve access problems
Capacity to generate and disseminate knowledge


Driving change and accelerating equitable access through investments and direct interventions

Capacity to mobilize and invest resources
Robust portfolio management
Capacity to secure equitable access commitments
Strong track-record and results in accelerating access

We focus on six major areas
Our programmatic priorities are defined by considering the potential for impact and our ability to make a difference.

Key investments will focus on: prevention, with an emphasis on access to high-impact preventive tools, particularly for high-risk groups; testing, to close the detection gap, reduce the number of missed cases, and link to care; and treatment, prioritizing access to simpler, more optimal treatment regimens for adults and children, as well as enhancing adherence to effective treatment to improve outcomes.
Read our 2023-2027 strategy
Our 2023-2027 Strategy is the roadmap for how we will make an essential contribution to regain lost
ground and pave the way for even greater efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3.
Read our 2023-2027 strategy